Picture of Omer Benli
Ömer Benli is a professor in the Department of Information Systems at California State University, Long Beach. He served as an Associate Dean in the College of Business from 2008 to 2018; and was the CSU-5 Campus Guide from 2013 to 2018. Dr. Benli is currently the Immediate Past-President of Western Decision Sciences Institute. He was the Program Chair of WDSI 47 th Annual Meeting in Kauai on April 3-6, 2018.

His areas of research interest are analysis & design of supply chain & logistics decision support systems and applied mathematical programming. He has extensive applied research experience in industry, military and governmental organizations. He teaches courses on quantitative techniques. He served as the editorial board member and reviewer for numerous journals.

Prior to joining California State University, Long Beach, Dr. Benli was at Bilkent University, where he served as the Director of Science and Engineering Research Center, and was the founding chair of Department of Industrial Engineering. Previously, he served as a faculty member and researcher at METU, Syracuse University, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Missouri University of Science and Technology, The Anderson School at UCLA.

Dr. Benli received his Ph.D., in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, from Syracuse University; M.S.E. in Industrial and Operations Engineering from University of Michigan; M.S. in Industrial Engineering from University of Missouri; and B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University.